Dear Mum, Do you remember....... When you used to take me to school and all the children and their parents would come to see you? How it used to annoy me because I used to think, thats my mum! I look back and am still amazed at how many people sort out your kindness and company. It makes total sense now, Never judging, always smiling, how you would give anything to anyone if they needed it regardless of whether it was to your detriment. Coming home from work and casually telling me how you'd pulled a child from a swimming pool when they were struggling in the water, stopping a child from choking on a sequin, helping families escape from domestic abuse, or getting familes food just so they could eat. Taking me on outings all over the place, making me try new things without fear. Making friends with everyone, and anyone on along the way. If you'd told me 20yrs ago I was like you mum, in rebellious teenage ways I would have denied it, but there comes a time when you realise, you are your mum. Suddenly I love the music you love, I steal clothes from your wardrobe, I see the world as you see it, things that really matter become clear. You had more influence on me than you will ever know. You Mum, are a remarkable woman, I don't think I ever told you. You always have been a mum to anyone that ever needed one, a lover of all living things, so kind, so brave, so gentle, so patient, so missed and forver loved. My quiet soft spoken hero, my mum.