
Created by David one year ago

When I moved back to Brighton from Scotland at 17 I stayed with my sister Eileen at Hodshrove Road (Ian joined a year later).  I was an apprentice in print and Eileen made me a lunch box daily. Sandwiches were either ham, cheese or egg in rotation.  She wasn't the best of cooks but for some unexplained reason she managed to be able to make the most amazing lemon meringue pie.  She was always busy what with John, me and Ian , Joe and Adam ,2dogs whisky and ginny, chickens, a ferret(John's) a tortoise and birds. She was very kind and welcoming to animals and friends. She loved Japanese ornaments. One time I picked up a Japanese fisherman ornament from a car boot for £1 and gave it to her as a present.  One of John's friends , a dealer called lucky, offered her £60 for it so asked if I wanted it back. I said no it's yours now to do with as you wished. She kept it rather than sell it. She valued gifts of love over money.

David Lovelidge